Election time is here and nominations are requested for candidates for the STC – Philadelphia Metro Chapter Executive Board for the 2016-2017 chapter year.
You may submit your name for the position for which you would like to be a candidate, or submit the names of persons you are nominating.
You also can use the nomination form to volunteer for a non-elected chapter role. You do not need to be a member of STC to become a volunteer.
- Nominations will close on April 29.
- Voting will be conducted in May.
- The new STC-PMC Executive Board will be announced in June.
- Elected terms are for one year (July 1 to June 30)
Click Here to Submit a Nomination!
The current available positions for the STC – Philadelphia Metro Chapter Executive Board:
President – The President oversees chapter operations and helps other volunteers plan, organize, and conduct chapter activities.
Vice President – The Vice President organizes the chapter meetings and supports the President as needed.
Treasurer – The Treasurer manages all of the chapter’s funds and financial operations.
Secretary – The Secretary serves as the membership chair and keeps the records of council meetings.
All chapter executive candidates must be current members of the STC – Philadelphia Metro Chapter.