You can help your chapter by stepping into a volunteer role. Everyone in the chapter will benefit and you’ll have the opportunity to know that you can help others in our field.
Most activities require a minimal amount of time, particularly when there are more members contributing together. To learn more about these opportunities, please contact
Elected Positions
The STC-PMC President is elected each year. The President guides the direction of the chapter and makes it happen with the help of the Admin Council. The President is also the main liaison with STC; they prepare award nominations for the chapter and chapter members as well as network with other chapter leaders. To learn more about the position, ask the current president what the job is like:
Vice President
The Vice President is elected annually, and is in charge of reserving meeting spaces and setting up the chapter’s monthly meetings. To learn how to step up during a Grassy Knoll situation, ask the current Vice President:
The Treasurer keeps track of the chapter bank and Paypal accounts. Transactions are recorded on a monthly basis, tracking income and costs for all events. Annually the Treasurer must submit a budget to STC. The Treasurer is also elected each year. To learn how to swindle a chapter out of hundreds of cents via offshore banking, ask the Treasurer:
Secretary & Membership Chair
The Secretary & Membership Chair is elected annually. This person takes notes at meetings and posts them to the chapter account. They’re also responsible for reaching out to members and potential members to encourage them to join. Are you a people person? Do you want to be? Make friends and influence people to join our chapter. Welcome new members! Beg old ones to renew their registration. Be the friendly face at meetings to greet people. To find out about how to remove ink-stains from your hands while greeting people, ask the secretary:
Volunteer Positions
PMC partners with the New York Metro Chapter for competitions. Each year the chapters divide job rolls between them. Someone in each chapter gets submissions mailed to them. Judging meetings are held. Emails are sent. All of these things rely on people who are interested in running the competition, having fun, and being judgmental. If you want to know how to compete and BE… BE AGGRESSIVE, ask our competition volunteers:
Conference Chair
Each March PMC hosts a regional conference. As Conference Chair, you form a committee who will bring that conference to life! Such duties include reviewing submitted presentations, contacting keynote speakers, getting someone to connect with vendors to sponsor the conference, having a volunteer design the conference program, order the food for the conference, and create the conference promotional materials. Additionally you direct someone to update the website with the latest conference information. Delegation here is key. You want to meet the cream of the STC crop, and get them to come to Philadelphia? Then ask the Conference Chair how it’s done:
Academic Outreach
Network with area colleges to promote knowledge of our industry among students. To learn about life in the ivy-covered halls and how it interacts with STC, ask our educational liaison:
Immediate Past President
Just because you used to be President doesn’t mean you’re off the hook. Your years of wisdom and knowledge need to be shared with the incoming president! When they retire, you can relax. No slacking now! If you want to learn what it was REALLY like to be President back in the good old days, ask the Past President: Warning: stories about going to STC meetings in the snow, uphill, both ways, may ensue.
Marketing/Public Relations/Newsletter
Got the urge to connect to a lot of people? Enjoy spending time tweeting, friending, starting conversations, and blogging? Great! You are in charge of getting the word on ideas and events out through the chapter’s public faces. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Information about promoting our chapter through the web is available by contacting: Information about running the blog is found by contacting:
A Webmaster maintains the chapter emails, makes sure all website components are regularly updated, working with the web hosting company in case of performance issues, uploads presentations to SlideShare and link to them on the website for every meeting and conference, spins a web of any size, catching thieves just like flies, and hopefully puts up better content than this. If you have ever used the internet, you can do this job. Find out how by contacting:
Interested in volunteering? Contact us!
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