I’ll get straight to the point:
We need a president and treasurer, or else our chapter is going to be inactive. We are better than that.
Our nomination and election were delayed due to the pandemic, and we held our nomination period earlier this month. Sadly, we have no candidates for President, one candidate for Treasurer/Secretary, and only a couple of volunteers to be Directors for the next program year. Since our immediate past-president, Tim Esposito, is moving off the chapter council for his new role as STC Secretary, I need to move into the immediate past-president position and cannot run for President again.
This is now your chance to lead. If you step up, you can show your boss how you can lead, make a name for yourself, and take the reins.
“Sure, I want to help and learn leadership skills, but I don’t know what to do and I don’t have much time.” The new operational structure will be significantly lighter, so you will only dedicate a couple hours per month to the chapter, and we all benefit. It’s my job to help train you to help run the chapter no matter which position you take in my new role.
Our needs boil down to this:
- President: A “project manager” to oversee things.
- Treasurer: If you can balance a check book, you can be a community treasurer.
- Directors: A small group that supports the President and Treasurer to plan and manage a few activities/events.
The President and Treasurer/Secretary roles are the only elected roles; the others are volunteer, and you get out what you put in.
If we don’t get President and Treasurer/Secretary candidates and a couple more volunteers, we will either need to merge with another chapter or worse yet, go inactive (essentially fold). We need YOUR help! This is no joke.
Step up and be a leader! The effort is minimal, and a new team will breathe new life into the chapter. Be part of that!
When you are ready to take that step to being a PMC leader, complete the nomination form. The nomination form will stay open until July 15, or until we can see that we have enough nominees to hold an election.
I look forward to seeing YOUR name on the nomination form!
If you have questions, you can email me at president@stcpmc.org, and I will be happy to answer them or set up a call or video chat to address your questions.
Danielle M. Villegas
STC-PMC President
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